
Sun Chlorella in the News

Stress: Detrimental to our Health
January 15, 2019

Why Stress is Detrimental to Health Click this if you like to access Dr. Parviz Relaxation Tecniques

The Need for Sun Chlorella by Dr. Parviz
January 15, 2019

Dr. Parviz is explaining the reason why we should take Sun Chlorella supplements. Flush out toxins and being one of the most complete food supplement.

Sun Chlorella
January 15, 2019

Janey Lee Grace reviews Sun Chlorella nutritional supplements.

Nutrient Dense Superfoods
January 15, 2019

Dr. Michael Rosenbaum talks about the current state of the American diet and the healing power of Sun Chlorella, a nutrient-dense whole food supplement found in Nature.

Chlorella | Dioxin and Pregnancy | A Guide to Preventative Care
June 18, 2018

Watch this video and learn how Sun Chlorella helps pull dioxins and other toxins out of breast milk. Visit for more information.

Sun Chlorella | Economic Reality Health and Nutrition
June 18, 2018

See a video on how a small investment in Sun Chlorella can have a life-long return for your health and wellness. Visit for more information.

Sun Chlorella | How Diet and Nutrition Influence Longer Living
June 18, 2018

View a Video on how a daily serving of Sun Chlorella can have a positive effect on living longer and healthier. Visit for more information.

Pre-Biotics and Immunity | Sun Chlorella Digestive Supplements
June 18, 2018

With a full range of nutrients like fiber, amino acids and healthy fats, Sun Chlorella can help boost your immune system through better digestion.

The World’s Best Superfood
June 18, 2018

Dr. Michael Rosenbaum discusses the nutritional properties and benefits of Sun Chlorella. Specifically chlorophyll, protein and nucleic acids.